Rat Solutions

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Rats commonly invade homes, causing damage and spreading diseases when they do. While occasional rat problems are inconvenient, large infestations can become very costly. Here are some steps you can take to prevent and control rats in your home.

Common House-Invading Rats

Norway Rat

Also known as brown rats, these creatures are extremely destructive and will enter homes through any small openings they can find.

Roof Rat

Roof Rats prefer to nest in trees and attics. As the name suggests, they will often enter the home via roof vents and holes.

Pack Rat

Pack rats are known for collecting various objects, hence their name. Typically, pack rats are not known as indoor pests, but their nests can cause fires.

Exclusion and Prevention

Seal Entry Points

Plug holes, cracks, and gaps that rats can use to get inside your home. Weatherstripping, concrete, and caulk are tools you can use to effectively rat-proof your home.

Manage Food Sources

Refrain from leaving pet or human food out in the open and store food in chew-proof containers. Clear up spills and crumbs frequently. Keep compost bins far from home. Remove exterior sources like bird feeders, ripe produce, overflowing trash, and pet bowls left out at night.

Clean Up Shelter Sites

Remove potential nesting sites such as piles of debris, wood, leaves, and overgrown vegetation.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Branches touching your home provide a bridge for roof rats to enter. Prune back any of the branches on trees near your home to prevent easy access to your roof and attic.


Controlling Existing Rats


Effective traps for rat removal include snap traps and cage traps. Using bait like peanut butter, bacon, or nuts, these traps lure rats into an inescapable enclosure so they can then be relocated away from the home.


In the case of an advanced infestation, professionals may use regulated rodenticides to kill rats after sealing up homes.

Population Reduction

Eliminating exterior rat populations may be necessary to prevent further infestations. This is best done by a certified wildlife expert.

Avoid DIY Poisons

Never attempt to use outdoor poisons or fumigants yourself, as these require special training and carry risks.


With vigilant prevention and rapid response, occasional rats can be controlled before they multiply. Contact On The Fly Pest Solutions for severe or recurrent rat infestations.