Animal removal can be tricky at times. Being able to pinpoint the location, identify the source of the noise and remove the animal is one of the harder aspects of wildlife control. Our wildlife experts use the latest in technology to help them.
In this case, our wildlife technician first used thermal imaging to locate the heat signature of the animal. Thermal imaging cameras are highly sensitive pieces of equipment that can differentiate between fractions of a degree in temperature. Using this, our wildlife tech can determine the animal’s location by its very own body heat – even behind a wall! Accurate location of the animal is crucial because just a few inches to the right or left, and we’ve cut into the wrong wall void. The next step is to drill a small hole and insert an endoscope, which is a tiny camera on the end of a wire. Once the animal is identified, our wildlife team comes up with a plan to remove it.

Recently, our wildlife team responded to a mysterious noise in a bedroom wall. Using thermal imaging, the team found the heat signature of the animal and preceded to cut a small hole in the wall. Before they could fit their endoscope into the hole, a beak popped out! Their endoscope identified the bird as a European Starling. Our wildlife team was able to cut a small hole in the wall, and the bird jumped out, right into our net! Consistent with our mission statement of safe, sustainable solutions, before we released the starling, our wildlife team made sure to seal up both the hole they made in the wall, as well as the exterior entry point. When you hear mysterious noises in the wall, don’t wait for them to disappear. This can cause unnecessary suffering to the animal within, damage to your home if the animal tries to escape, or foul smells when the animal doesn’t succeed. Instead, call On The Fly to find and remove these pesky critters!