Bird Solutions

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While birds make huge contributions to the environment by pollinating plants, distributing seeds, and controlling pests; Large concentrations of them can become quite a hazard when they nest near homes.

Understanding bird behavior and implementing preventative measures can help manage bird issues without harming local ecosystems.


Common Problem Bird Species


Pigeons are highly adaptable and often nest on building ledges. They are common culprits for leaving droppings all over vehicles and homes.

European Starlings

Starlings form large, noisy flocks and build nests in vents, attics, and other openings. Their droppings are highly acidic and can corrode infrastructure like concrete or stone.


House Sparrows are aggressive and will take over nest boxes meant for other birds. They often build nests under roof overhangs known as eaves.


Gulls nest in large colonies and can be very noisy. Their droppings can create a slipping hazard on concrete and will damage property much like pigeons.


Prevention Tips for Bird Control


Modify Architecture

Install deterrents like bird netting, porcupine wire, or other features to make buildings less attractive to birds.

Manage Trash and Food Sources

Littering food scraps and leaving trash bins uncovered can draw birds to unwelcome areas. Prevent this by ensuring lids are closed completely on outside trash bins and avoid throwing food scraps into your yard.

Scare Devices

Predator decoys, flash tape, and noisemakers are all humane ways to deter birds from unwanted areas.

Contact a Professional

If problems persist despite your efforts, contact a certified wildlife control company like On The Fly. We can identify entry points, remove existing nests, and install one-way exclusion devices to humanely remove birds while preventing re-entry.